The Release of Jurassic World: The Game
In 2015, Jurassic World: The Game hit the market, by then, I was already playing Jurassic Park Builder for a year. I was ecstatic. It featured better graphics, better gameplay, and new mechanics. Jurassic Park Builder was getting pretty stale, and I was happy to be playing this new game. TheGamingBeaver was too, Beaver made DAILY videos about the game, sometimes even twice or three times a day! I watched as he leveled up in the game, I remember during an evening I was at a family member's birthday party, I was watching his videos, then after I finished episode one, I would try to copy everything he did until I figured out he did stuff after making the video and I just kinda stopped.
But... you may be asking, what was going on with Jurassic Park Builder? Well, my park was practically abandoned, and it was unfortunate, but I had a new game and I was enjoying it. I would periodically play Jurassic Park builder and Jurassic World: The Game but the second one way more for 5 years, until March 1st of 2020 Hit...