just had pe finals


(#e4c785) [#ae392f] And Ayesha too!
it was run around a track for 15 minutes until you hit a mile like good little goy
I fucking stumbled on lap 2 because I was up until 12 am using the schlog and sharty (ev&oe i fucking slept all the bus ride, all the waiting period, and all of first period)
final time was 14 min because I couldnt fucking run anymore
gonna keep working on wargame (will NOT be forgotten like fnac)
What kind of school has PE finals lmfao

mutt schools
What kind of school has PE finals lmfao
They have to have “finals” planned for every one of our classes at my school, just in case someone doesn’t meet the qualifications for final exemption in that class (no missing assignments, grade more than a 75, that sort of thing). For example, our choir director, not wanting to actually give anyone a “final exam”, decided to just make a concert we had a few weeks ago count as the grade for the final, so anyone who attended that received the grade and now he won’t have to plan some complex music exam. I would guess there is a P.E final here, too, albeit I don’t take P.E so I’m not sure if it would also be actual physical activity like OP’s.