Schizo John Lennon was killed by a Sharty user


Shithouse made of bricks
On the right: Mark David Chapman, who shot Lennon 4 times in the shoulder in 1980.

Ryan Palmeter, 2023 Jacksonville shooter.

Bear with me here.
We know from his manifesto and from Ronald in the frootcord leak that Palmeter was a sharty user, and he bears a striking resemblance to Chapman, in terms of nose shape, eyebrow shape, canthal tilt, being a general fatass, and even the left parting in his hair.

This makes me believe that the forcing of lennonjak on the Sharty made Ryan so angry he went back in time, changed his name, and shot Lennon out of anger.

According to Ronald, the shooting happened a short time after the Sharty went down, so there's a possibility he killed 3 niggers and then himself just because he was mad he couldn't post on his favourite bald man with glasses subreddit, already meaning he is very retarded and willing to kill for retarded reasons, so him killing Lennon because he seethed at a trace of him isn't out of the question. But you might be asking:
>how did he go back in time after killing himself?
Personally, I think he went to Aryanheaven/Valhalla after dying, and got one chance to return to the mortal realm one last time, so while he browsed the Sharty in the afterlife, the lennonjak spam was his calling to take the chance and do what must be done.