Schizo Is self improvement inherently troonish

>Is trying to be your best self troonish?
No, and why would it?
If anything, not being on self-improvement is troonish as fuck.
I genuinely do not understand how and why some people don't put effort into trying to be their best possible self at all times, I can't even enjoy shit when I'm sitting around all week so I lift like a fucking maniac until the feeling dissipates and then I feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride when I'm able to see the fruits of my labor on my arms and stomach and that's a feeling everyone should strive for, a sense of accomplishment and pride and you should show those feelings to others who put in the effort like yourself.
>Is trying to be your best self troonish?
No, and why would it?
If anything, not being on self-improvement is troonish as fuck.
I genuinely do not understand how and why some people don't put effort into trying to be their best possible self at all times, I can't even enjoy shit when I'm sitting around all week so I lift like a fucking maniac until the feeling dissipates and then I feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride when I'm able to see the fruits of my labor on my arms and stomach and that's a feeling everyone should strive for, a sense of accomplishment and pride and you should show those feelings to others who put in the effort like yourself.
>Is trying to be your best self troonish?
No, and why would it?
If anything, not being on self-improvement is troonish as fuck.
I genuinely do not understand how and why some people don't put effort into trying to be their best possible self at all times, I can't even enjoy shit when I'm sitting around all week so I lift like a fucking maniac until the feeling dissipates and then I feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride when I'm able to see the fruits of my labor on my arms and stomach and that's a feeling everyone should strive for, a sense of accomplishment and pride and you should show those feelings to others who put in the effort like yourself.
There’s going to be other people that are born better and that if you try to be like them, you’ll fail because you are not them
There’s going to be other people that are born better and that if you try to be like them, you’ll fail because you are not them
I don't think you understand what I'm saying, it's SELF improvement, not projection.
Of course there's going to be other people born into this world with a better hand to play, but you have to remember, we're all sat here now typing words on a screen without a care in the world and if anything that relaxation, even for a moment is a hand to play in of itself, we aren't throwing spears at birds and by God are we not fighting for water to drink from so don't act like you have it bad and do NOT use that as an excuse to slack off like a doomer.
As funny as they are, have you ever seen those videos of niggers and poojeets working out with the most retarded equipment?
Those guys have the odds stacked against them, they're all broke with nothing but some shitty home-made concrete dumbells but they make do, don't they?
Are you going to let yourself slack off, just like that, lay down and give up before you even tried while others in shit-hole countries are so devoted to the craft of building their physique, they crafted their own equipment with whatever shit was lying around?
Get a grip and at-least try while you still can, theres proven studies showing that people aged 14 to around 20 are capable of retaining muscle gained in those years into an elderly age without much upkeep, do it for your future self and most of all do it for yourself now in the moment as there's no motivator like results.

There’s going to be other people that are born better and that if you try to be like them, you’ll fail because you are not them
Defeatist mindset
Why give up because some random guy you probably don't even know seemingly is better
I simply don't understand why a individual could foster such a cause and effect at the cost of their own potential
Defeatist mindset
Why give up because some random guy you probably don't even know seemingly is better
I simply don't understand why a individual could foster such a cause and effect at the cost of their own potential
Because that other guy may be a prestigious basketball player