童貞省 | Department of Virginity
TRVTHNVKE or Jewish Trickery? I think I have it but psychiatrists keep saying I'm just LE DEPRESSED but it's pretty bad idk... even when I'm not depressed I can barely pay attention even when people are talking to me... I do spend a lot of time reading bullshit on the internet but even then... I can't really "focus" on one subject (as evidenced by me having 6 gorillion tabs open at all times...). it was tolerable up until now but a recent LIFE-ALTERING, CATASTROPHIC event has occurred due to this bullshit and now i wanna get it fixed. also i hear anti-depressants fuck you up so i dont wanna take them
ADHDGODS, any symptoms you would like to shareso i know what to tell my psychiatrist next time so that we can bond over our common struggle o algo?
ADHDGODS, any symptoms you would like to share