VOTE! International Cuisine

What country/region do you think has the best cuisine?

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American food is just grease and fat covered in sugar.
Not all of it. I love a good pumpkin pie, or a fresh, home-made burger, or, of course, one of my favorites for a dinner every-now-and-then, a plateful of chicken and dumplings. There's a lot of good stuff we have that aren't just Big Macs or Whoppers.
Not all of it. I love a good pumpkin pie, or a fresh, home-made burger, or, of course, one of my favorites for a dinner every-now-and-then, a plateful of chicken and dumplings. There's a lot of good stuff we have that aren't just Big Macs or Whoppers.
Egyptians invented pie. Burgers are cool. And aren’t dumplings Chinese or something.
How should I know when I have only lived in the place I've been born in
If goyslop counts as american cuisine then that's the only kind of foreign food I've eaten