Rant im back


Well friends, it's me again, Volker41;

I had stopped posting on this website for some time because I was busy with some personal stuff, but I guess from now on I will try to go back to posting here again.

Some things have changed in the time I stopped posting here, and they have mostly been for the best.

On May 10 I started watching the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic after one of my discord friends, HEW, recommended it to me.

I was originally reluctant about watching MLP because I saw it as being just a generic children's show that some 4cucks liked for some reason, but yet I decided to give it a try and I started watching it. That action would would soon reveal the error in my previous conceptions about the show.

The first thing I noticed was that the show seemed to actually have some really interesting lore and an interesting universe, and that would only be proved further as I watched more and more episodes.

Another thing that I noticed is that, while still being suitable for everyone, the show is not stupid or "childish" in a negative sense, it's actually one of the smartest shows out there, and it has many important and positive lessons that anyone could benefit from.

I have already finished season 1 of the show and im currently well into watching season 2 and it was just really nice in general and I really liked it.

Some days ago, I even went as far as to buy an actual Pony figure. At first, I was a bit nervous as I thought it could be a bit embarrassing and perhaps even suspicious for me, a 16 year old, to enter some random children's store and ask for something related to MLP considering the stigma people have around the show as being "for little kids" but I managed to stay calm and bought the Pony.

I was originally planning on buying Fluttershy since she is my favorite Pony from the show, but there were no Fluttershy figures, or even any figures from FIM for that matter.

The only Pony figures I could find in that particular store were from the new generation, and I haven't watched it yet so I can't judge it but at least it was better than nothing and it was still an MLP figure so I bought it

What lessons did you learn from MLP? smugjak
Many different lessons such as:

-Caring about all of your friends and thinking about each of them

-Not being scared of using your skills to help your friends when they need you to

-Knowing when to take a break and when to ask your friends for help

-Always being honest to your friends

-How those that often appear to be weak can have surprising strength in their own special way

-Not letting your friend feel left out or abandoned after you make a new friend

-Accepting new friends and not being jealous

-Having patience and not trying to force things that come best with time

-Many, many other lessons...

I hope this is capable of inspiring others to live better lifes, this show unironically feels like it is truly magical just like the name says

Many different lessons such as:

-Caring about all of your friends and thinking about each of them

-Not being scared of using your skills to help your friends when they need you to

-Knowing when to take a break and when to ask your friends for help

-Always being honest to your friends

-How those that often appear to be weak can have surprising strength in their own special way

-Not letting your friend feel left out or abandoned after you make a new friend

-Accepting new friends and not being jealous

-Having patience and not trying to force things that come best with time

-Many, many other lessons...

I hope this is capable of inspiring others to live better lifes, this show unironically feels like it is truly magical just like the name says

View attachment 11955
did you learn friendship is magic?
Well friends, it's me again, Volker41;

I had stopped posting on this website for some time because I was busy with some personal stuff, but I guess from now on I will try to go back to posting here again.

Some things have changed in the time I stopped posting here, and they have mostly been for the best.

On May 10 I started watching the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic after one of my discord friends, HEW, recommended it to me.

I was originally reluctant about watching MLP because I saw it as being just a generic children's show that some 4cucks liked for some reason, but yet I decided to give it a try and I started watching it. That action would would soon reveal the error in my previous conceptions about the show.

The first thing I noticed was that the show seemed to actually have some really interesting lore and an interesting universe, and that would only be proved further as I watched more and more episodes.

Another thing that I noticed is that, while still being suitable for everyone, the show is not stupid or "childish" in a negative sense, it's actually one of the smartest shows out there, and it has many important and positive lessons that anyone could benefit from.

I have already finished season 1 of the show and im currently well into watching season 2 and it was just really nice in general and I really liked it.

Some days ago, I even went as far as to buy an actual Pony figure. At first, I was a bit nervous as I thought it could be a bit embarrassing and perhaps even suspicious for me, a 16 year old, to enter some random children's store and ask for something related to MLP considering the stigma people have around the show as being "for little kids" but I managed to stay calm and bought the Pony.

I was originally planning on buying Fluttershy since she is my favorite Pony from the show, but there were no Fluttershy figures, or even any figures from FIM for that matter.

The only Pony figures I could find in that particular store were from the new generation, and I haven't watched it yet so I can't judge it but at least it was better than nothing and it was still an MLP figure so I bought it

View attachment 11839
No one is your friend bitch ass nigga