>Global site rules:
>If you do not care, do not post.
>You are not a moderator. Do not backseat moderate.
>If you don't like a thread, do not post in it. If you are not a moderator, don't pretend to be one. If you think a post violates the forum rules, report it or create a talk-to-staff thread; do not reply!
>If you make a post along these lines, you will be banned from this board for a month:
>Posts that aren't interesting that don't get bait replies just naturally fall to the older pages nobody reads. You don't know what you're talking about, you can't make decisions, and there are so many threads moved out of PG that have first posts that are just the SAME fucking ASSHOLES replying to each one saying "I DON'T LIKE THIS THREAD". Nobody fucking asked you!
>If you do not care, do not post.
>You are not a moderator. Do not backseat moderate.
>If you don't like a thread, do not post in it. If you are not a moderator, don't pretend to be one. If you think a post violates the forum rules, report it or create a talk-to-staff thread; do not reply!
>If you make a post along these lines, you will be banned from this board for a month:
- >Where's the funny!?
- >I don't think this is OK!
- >NYPA !!!
- >Heckin' Kiwi Farms Personal Army request.. le denied
>Posts that aren't interesting that don't get bait replies just naturally fall to the older pages nobody reads. You don't know what you're talking about, you can't make decisions, and there are so many threads moved out of PG that have first posts that are just the SAME fucking ASSHOLES replying to each one saying "I DON'T LIKE THIS THREAD". Nobody fucking asked you!