I am trying to draw 'ooni


2024 oldGOD


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Doesn't know how soyspeak works award
Why do trannies never know how it works?
possibly pedonigger shit
xe is like a 15 year old boy with mental issues or some shiet
4cucks love xim
Yeah story is about a malnourished Neet gook trying to kill himself.
That's until ofc he accepts xerself, makes friend and dresses up as a woman or something.
The story is the wet dream of a lot of trannies
Yeah story is about a malnourished Neet gook trying to kill himself.
That's until ofc he accepts xerself, makes friend and dresses up as a woman or something.
The story is the wet dream of a lot of trannies
i dont remember him dressing as a woman..
the story is definitely faggy as shit albeit even doe hooni is straight