I actually have a use case for FreeBSD


We all know winblows is a burning trash pile and mac is for fags. In my personal preference I like a stable OS, with the newest packages. I want a stable a kernel and DE (Plasma 5), but also enjoy the latest browser updates or programming tools. But there is no Gnu/Linux distro like that, it's always either a dusty old point release or the buggy git develop branch. I tried Arch but I don't like KDE Plasma 6, and want to continue using 5.27.11. Enter FreeBSD, I get a stable yearly release kernel and DE is Plasma 5 as God intended. However, I also get gcc14/15 and more, all the newest packages. I'm not using FreeBSD because I'm autistic, I'm using it because it fits my use case.
I don't understand any of that, can it game?
No, unless you wanna play (last update 6 years ago open source game). I tried to get steam running and Counter Strike 2 wouldn't start, but I don't game much. I still need to try WINE and see if I can get older games like AoE2 or Starcraft 2 to run, also just bought Brood War like you recommended and wanna play the campaign this weekend.
Is remaster worse than original like the Warcraft 3 situation?
I personally don't like it. I prefer the chunky, details-left-to-imagination look the original had. I do think it's undeniable they made protoss look a lot less interesting and a lot more bland, I even did a yap sesh about it some time ago
No vidya games on freebsd 😢 It is interesting however to see someone with an actual use case of FreeBSD, to me it is a memeOS that only autists use 'cuz they wanna be different.
No vidya games on freebsd 😢 It is interesting however to see someone with an actual use case of FreeBSD, to me it is a memeOS that only autists use 'cuz they wanna be different.
Not steam at least, however from what I read on the forums if it runs under WINE on Linux it should work on FreeBSD. Also, only good games are 0AD and OpenTTD why would you need anything more?