Depends on what % of the school is White/Asian (elementary-high school). Muttistan has the best schools and the worst schools in the world. It all depends on which one you are in. General trends, albeit are that they have weaker foreign language programs, because what other language would you speak over American (English classes). There is a meme about the high school to college pipeline, but most American high schools have some kind of "High school vocational education" program. Even in terrible American schools, you can easily come out as a skilled tradesman (The issue is there aren't a ton of 16-year-olds that want to spend their high school years learning to become an electrician nor want to be a tradesmen). Schools can be really big, so even if you go to a terrible ghetto school like I had to, you can still have really high-level honors and AP classes. Outside of the USSR, the scholastic athletics in American schools is hard to match. Biggest issue with the US school system is that public schools are just government schools. Outside of Norway which has a population of 5 million people and in general has one of the best school systems on earth, no country spends more money per student than the USA. 60% of the schools in the USA are dogshit and there are a lot more than 5 million students in the USA.
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All of this goes out the window if you are in private school. In general, Catholic and Private schools are very good all around. If your parents have the spare few $100,000s lying around, you can be sent to a very high-end private school where you will be groomed into a sports star and genius. The government fucks you for doing this by still taxing you for government schools but at this point it's the least of this country's issues.
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Tldr: You get what you put in.