Sharty How did twitter find the sharty?

Unpopular opinion? TCCOAL doxxes/Operation 9/11
The doxxes really had a cost for twitter immigrants immigrating to this website for "doxxing randoms", "The HACKER KNOWN AS 4CHAN TWO POINT ZERO", This is why you see many twitter immigrants on nu/raid/ and faildoxxes, failraids.
Nu-sharty started when they opened the gates for some secret shitposting-club because of raiding big-ass reddits and doxxing a random person for being "LE EPI GROOMERS!!!!!"
Operation 9/11 did had some side-effect and damage to the sharty, which is attracting twitter immigrants because they see it as "my website to DOXX TRANNIES", I hope the adminstration can come up with some solution where they just, force twitter immigrants to know 4chan/qa/ culture, shitpost about wojaks and how to make fun of people by posting soyjacks, they've should've stayed raiding imageboards with soyjak spamming and GET heisting
Unpopular opinion? TCCOAL doxxes/Operation 9/11
The doxxes really had a cost for twitter immigrants immigrating to this website for "doxxing randoms", "The HACKER KNOWN AS 4CHAN TWO POINT ZERO", This is why you see many twitter immigrants on nu/raid/ and faildoxxes, failraids.
Sad trvke
Nu-sharty started when they opened the gates for some secret shitposting-club because of raiding big-ass reddits and doxxing a random person for being "LE EPI GROOMERS!!!!!"
Operation 9/11 did had some side-effect and damage to the sharty, which is attracting twitter immigrants because they see it as "my website to DOXX TRANNIES", I hope the adminstration can come up with some solution where they just, force twitter immigrants to know 4chan/qa/ culture, shitpost about wojaks and how to make fun of people by posting soyjacks, they've should've stayed raiding imageboards with soyjak spamming and GET heisting
Weirdly this is how 4chan became rulecucked instead of Twitter immigrants Reddit nufags came in for le heccin “RAIDING AND TROLLING /b/ OPERATIONS.”
Shame the potential for domains/hosting being pulled away keeps us more or less neutered, with the oldsoicaca become demoralized as a result
The Soysphere may change, but at least it survives thankfully. If people cant say nigger online without finding a sekrit club 'p posting discord, matrix, tiny altchan, etc, then that would be a tragedy.
Shame the potential for domains/hosting being pulled away keeps us more or less neutered, with the oldsoicaca become demoralized as a result
The Soysphere may change, but at least it survives thankfully. If people cant say nigger online without finding a sekrit club 'p posting discord, matrix, tiny altchan, etc, then that would be a tragedy.
Even though you can say nigger on kiwifarms