Pretty please?
For a man to be noteworthy, he has to do many noteworthy things. For a man is what he has something notable
What users do we think are noteworthy (or, "noteworthy enough" for a page on the 'ki)?For a man to be noteworthy, he has to do many noteworthy things. For a man is what he has done.
Just put a bunch of people in a pageWhat users do we think are noteworthy (or, "noteworthy enough" for a page on the 'ki)?
We already do, to some extent.Just put a bunch of people in a page
extremely outdated albeitWe already do, to some extent.
No.View attachment 27039
So that wasn't him in the 'cord?
We haven't done anything of note in generalWhat users do we think are noteworthy (or, "noteworthy enough" for a page on the 'ki)?
Why aren't I on here?We already do, to some extent.
Marge?We should document that one time when like 20 people who showed up in the Notable Members tab deleted their accounts for some SNAC reasons
call it, bait or mental retardationThere's a soyblog wiki? it, bait or mental retardation
One can be a namefag worthy of a 'Ki article generally by (worst) being a gegbull or /raid/ victim (such as Goonclown), or (better) being in a pothat I can remembersition of power (such as Root), or (best, alBombay impossible) being a soy legend (such as Admin 6+1). I can't access the 'Ki anymore because of glowCAPTCHA, but according to my memory all articles covering persons have been one of these three. And attaining namefag fame as a 'Teen is very unlikely considering that soy culture has-- since the /qa/ era-- been built upon the work of the anonymous. So I would aim to make history not in name, but in works-- in gems.What users do we think are noteworthy (or, "noteworthy enough" for a page on the 'ki)?