(: Never Lose Your Israel :)
I'm not sure if this should be in \q\, \qa\ or some other board, but as this is more of a project rather than a question or meta issue, here I am.
[Reddit space]
I'm trying to make a simple program to translate English to Soy Speak. The issue, I don't know Soy Speak that well YET. I have read a page on the 'ki that explains enough for a basic version; however, there may be cases where the rules for certain things do not apply such as the following: [Reddit space ahead]
Any modifications that happen to Soy Speak or any words that you have evidence that a word could be hard to properly translate probably will be considered.
[Reddit space]
I'll try to get the 'odebase on 'ithub because I want YOU to peer review the Glyphoslop that is my code. Any alternative publicly accessible repositories/VCSs are welcome by the way. Another thing, any suggestions as to how I should structure my code, as in, how code for a translator should be written, is accepted. I'll be writing the code very modular because I gotta get into the habit of writing like a developer, also uhh why not.
[Reddit space]
Also muh heckin' wholesome devlog VVILL be here!11 or something.
[Reddit space]
I'm trying to make a simple program to translate English to Soy Speak. The issue, I don't know Soy Speak that well YET. I have read a page on the 'ki that explains enough for a basic version; however, there may be cases where the rules for certain things do not apply such as the following: [Reddit space ahead]
- To, which becomes 'o (but note that do does not become 'o, it simply stays as do)
- Be, which becomes 'e (but note that me does not become 'e, it simply stays as me).
- Soyjak Wiki becomes 'ki (or even 'iki) [The latter can conflict with names that end in 'iki' like Niki, so unless you have to determine the original word based off of the context and past non-'postraphised, both end up being 'iki (HASH COLLISION REFERENCE??/??) {actually, this is pretty keyed. This should be a part of the language}]
Any modifications that happen to Soy Speak or any words that you have evidence that a word could be hard to properly translate probably will be considered.
[Reddit space]
I'll try to get the 'odebase on 'ithub because I want YOU to peer review the Glyphoslop that is my code. Any alternative publicly accessible repositories/VCSs are welcome by the way. Another thing, any suggestions as to how I should structure my code, as in, how code for a translator should be written, is accepted. I'll be writing the code very modular because I gotta get into the habit of writing like a developer, also uhh why not.
[Reddit space]
Also muh heckin' wholesome devlog VVILL be here!11 or something.
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