Sharty Do you think NAS content be stigmatized harder?

Should NAS be stigmatized harder?

  • Yes

  • No, becuase the reputation of NAS is as fine as is

  • No, but becuase i find NAS to be perfectly fine as is

  • I don't give a fuck

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We need a "nusoicaca" react that's an image of nate higgers
what you gonna do ytboi?
Understandable, i picked "i don't give a fuck" becuase i like to have fun

But no, I mean, maybe there should be a lock put on it to stop the mass influx of shit by fully banishing it all to the /qa/ board which is something I think they did actually do not too long ago, but that would just affect the pics posted and the context, not the actual quality itself even doe I'm sure there are minisculely significant differences between 'jakkers and NASfolk.
We need a "nusoicaca" react that's an image of nate higgers
Don't do this.
That's what I was looking for. Because "it's got a fittingly bad reputation" and "it's perfectly fine" are too absolute. Nas is just a classification, anything that's not a soyjak is NAS and, as is increasingly evident, soysphere cannot sustain itself on IAS alone.
Soyjaks are inherently parasitic. A community cannot sustain itself with soyjaks alone. If you force IAS, the only result will be /soy/ being neutralplier hell.
Heres the thing about sharty culture and NAS. Not everything thats considered sharty culture is gemmy and not everything thats NAS is coal. Some IAS sharty culture (soytan, soylita, lennon, etc.) are absolute fucking brimstone, while some NAS stuff (FNAF, 'cado, pretty much everything thats good yet isnt a soyjak, etc.) are gems. FNF and FPE could be considered as sharty culture since they're so despised and hated that its been engraned into the culture of the sharty.
Remember, if you hate something, dont obsessively hate on it like how Lee did with MLP on 4cuck, ignore it. Because if you do act like a NuLee towards a certain person or media thats getting forced, then you might unintentionally make it sharty culture.