Discussion Deadlock Thread


I will fight for /anthro/

Discuss Deadlock.​


Personally, I really like it, it has potential. Feels like many people, TF2 fans in particular dismissed it as being this knock off DOTA LOL clone that nobody would enjoy, but seems like they're just wrong. It's very different from TF2, albeit it has similarities, e.g McGinnis is an Engineer, Lash is like Scout, Bebop is Heavy I guess and a slew of other characters act like Medic. Shiv, I think is the closest to Spy, but ultimately, they're all quite unique in their playstyles and the game is focused around collecting souls and getting upgrades, had to learn that Siphon is the number one best upgrade to get within the first few minutes or so otherwise you'll just suck at the game.

My favourite character is Ivy. Not for any particular reason (shes a latinx omgsisa /qa/ gemerald)

But her gameplay is genuinely quite fun albeit her abilities are a bit shit, because all I can do as her is slow others down, smash into them with an ability that barely does any damage or fly away. Other characters like Infernus seem to activate their abilities and just ram into me, instakilling me, so it seems like Ivy is a character based upon getting Siphon and a bunch of other important upgrades and then prioritizing hitting enemies, but my aim kind of sucks so I didn't do great at that.

I did kill a lot of guardians and patron (unweakened form)s however and also walkers so I contributed in some form.
I've tried the other characters but they never really stuck for me, although Pocket is interesting because of his lore and how he wants to keep his briefcase away from his father, who I suspect is Abrams because he has a big book that he doesn't want "them" to get which I suppose might be his son, but yeah. The cast of characters honestly are a bit goofy, McGinnis I find to be the most bland and uninteresting, while the others have interesting little bits of lore that I hope VALVE flesh out in later updates to the game.

The devs themselves seem pretty chill about it, it's like a secret club of hundreds of thousands of people GEG, so if you can get Deadlock, I'd recommend you get it and try it out for yourself.
Oh and by the way, I suspect that the voice actor for Dynamo is actually Male 07's voice actor, they sound the exact same.

Overall, pretty refreshing change of pace to be honest, I like TF2 but after all these years, I think even TF2 players should give Deadlock a try, it's good fun.

Thanks, Valve!​

so this game is a moba 1st person team based game?
i hate moba type games because its almost never fun if your team isnt composed of friends
thats my favorite of the main line levels in geometry dash, maybe blast processing but deadlocked is top 3