/calm/ Brasil poetry thread


Imperator Romanorum et Slavi · Rexus Puerto Ricum
Hello goyim, something very important happened to me today and I'm feeling deep and sad and melancholic or something.
Here's a poetry of my thoughts at the moment, an intellects paradise:

Basil is built for bbc.

Larps as a kid to attract kids to groom award.
Pedo built for bbc.
Brapsil sucks bbc while thinking of kids.
I can smell bbc from you.
Built for bbc little bitch boy.
Brapsil when he sees a bbc.
Brapsil when he sees an ungroomed kid.
Built for bbc little shitskin bitch boy.
Brapsil when they wuz no more fried chicken and chips but instead bbcs.
Also brapsil says free palestine slava bbc.
Built for bbc.
Brapsil is such a slut4bbc that he named his two fish Blacked and Raw.
When I'm in a slut4bbc contest and my opponent is brapsil.
Brapsil the type of slut to go on the jarty hoping to find some black bvlls.
Brapsil searching the blackest possible fish in the store.
Brapsil when he finds a bbc ad on r/jurassic world.
Brapsil when he goes on the shitty and there's no bbc posts.
Brapsil when he goes outside in Londonistan and there are no black bvlls.
Basil is a slut for bbc.