Soy Bomby and Friends: My idea for a postmodern millenial webcomic

Soyteen Liker

it's just getting started
My new webcomic idea "Bomby and Friends" stars Troonella and xir best friend Bomby. Troonella and Bomby met on the first day of computer science class and instantly became a duo after xe opened up about xirself.

Troonella in xir stunning and brave performance talked about how xe wanted to be a woman but couldn't because of society and Bomby related to this, but his lifelong goal was to explode, yet couldn't because of society.

In this webcomic, the duo will fight various naysayers who force them to conform to society's oppressive and problematic standards, and meeting many friends along the way, and eventually saying "Fuck off I'll do whatever I want!" no matter how many people disagree.