Plajer Sojdżekowski
2024 oldGOD
dem avars are opressing us or whatever our daughter is sold to arabia
>sigmaNie możemy zrozumieć sposobu myślenia sigmy. Nadszedł czas, aby ponownie wrócić do seksu z Rosją. Niech żyje Polska. Nawet jeśli przegramy, wszyscy macie z nami przejebane.
Most obsessed EFLtranny awardESL thread DNI
you weil die with the AEnglish, aye.ESL thread DNI
I don't live in Wales, and my parents never bothered to teach me Welsh, so I'm left without it. I wish to learn it, but I'm way too busyWelsh lad who isn't ESL, I am sure ya parents pround.
Cucked by angloGODS awardI don't live in Wales, and my parents never bothered to teach me Welsh, so I'm left without it. I wish to learn it, but I'm way too busy