/anthro/ is a community focused on Anthropomorphic Animals from soyjak.party, primarily posting in /g/. Due to Steve locking these threads, the creation of them has been automated. A list of all threads in the rentry will be updated manually. This thread is meant to be used when soyjak.party is offline, to provide a place for /anthro/ users to talk.
Why auto create new threads, why lock them?
Steve is a petty moderator who won't let us speak here because he doesn't like us. FPE Discussion was allowed and not locked, Ongezellig was allowed and not locked, I even made an FPE fangame and that went on for 30 pages and that wasn't locked, and also princessparkles diary went on for 300 pages which also wasn't locked until she was banned. We also have a thread on /g/ so why are we allowed on the sharty but not the schlog? So what are our options?
Allow jannies to force us to offsite and make a splinter, which we do not want to do
Somehow get DOLL to make us a bypassed limit conversation privately with 15 people in it.
Keep making threads everytime Steve locks them automatically
I have chosen option 3 for now. I can run a script on my computer that checks the status of the current thread every second to detect if it is locked.