Holy copeMuch like how the most outwardly homophobic people are usually trying to hide something, the easiest way to tell whether someone on the internet has autism is whether they constantly talk about how much they hate autistic people.
You're literally a kikeMuch like how the most outwardly homophobic people are usually trying to hide something, the easiest way to tell whether someone on the internet has autism is whether they constantly talk about how much they hate autistic people.
autism isn't real
Broot ban autists nowSite instantly dies
you'd get banned doeBroot ban autists now
i'm clean officeryou'd get banned doe
why do you wanna ban yourselfBroot ban autists now
>banning yourselfwhy do you wanna ban yourself
because it's funnywhy?
those claiming to be "autistic" are very annoying "people"why?
that's not very nice : (because it's funny