Discussion Are imageboards outdated/obsolete?


[#ffe70d] My style is ridiculous!
Imageobards are a culturial staple of the internet that are still being used today, they do come with their own advantages and are able to develop their own communities, but i have the gut feeling that other platforms like forums (is soyjak.blog a forum site?), booru's, private chatrooms (not Discord) and social media accounts/groups might be better as a whole and that imageboards might be outdated in comparison.
In this thread we analyze and the advantages and disadvantages of imageboards both in the context of soyjak.party and maybe even in the context of the internet itself.
From my newcaca perspective, imageboards are these ancient internet artifacts that haven't evolved past the glory of old 4cuck, most imageboards that are trying to seek that sovl and notoriety, only attract the miniscule demographic of oldcacas who haven't moved on from the prime of 4cuck, alienating the trve sovl that comes from newGODS trying to make a name for themselves and their board. This is why the sharty to me has so much potential, as it doesn't fall into that trap of trying to pander to oldcacas, showing its self le hecking old /b/ instead making an actual name for itself