Am I getting too old for soy culture?

Yes, but not because you are getting older. It is because the sharty is becoming more childish and infantile.

>inb4 some smuggie comes and says.
27855 - SoyBooru.jpg

>Oh? You don't like childishness in your sharty? Did you know that posting bald cartoon men is childish?
Yes, but not because you are getting older. It is because the sharty is becoming more childish and infantile.

>inb4 some smuggie comes and says. View attachment 56418
>Oh? You don't like childishness in your sharty? Did you know that posting bald cartoon men is childish?
You have a Sonic the Hedgehog profile and I'm pretty sure that's childish.
the coffin of andy and leyley.png

>Oh, you don't like the sharty becoming a daycare for obsessed faggot children with no image board experience? Urrrrm well liking a cartoon means you have to be okay with EVERYTHING childish or else you are an hypocrate. Downvoted.