Add as a valid media source


I will fight for /anthro/
When uploading a video in DMs, you can't for some reason. The ability to attach files, whether it be images or videos or anything is not present. This can be an issue, but can easily be circumvented for photos by uploading an image to the schlog and then grabbing it's link and pasting it in

for example, the image i just pasted, it's link is:
and if i put that in here:

it works.


But the same cannot be said for videos.
Why can't I upload a video to my profile or something, grab the video link and then use it to send in DMs? It's extremely inconvinient to have to go upload it to youtube or somewhere that doesn't have the default web video player that causes extreme cancer.

Add as a valid video source.
I'm adding onto this post to add as a valid media source because only is valid right now (also support
every person i've ever met who still uses twitter is either a massive faggot or enjoys masturbating and is ashamed to admit it
send me us your follower's list and your likes lil faggot
you calling me a faggot is rich but yeah check me out if you think its a massive deal
likes got hidden a few months ago sorry
He's two years younger than me, all he does is RT pokemon art and some personal posts.
you know idk where i was gonna say this but now is probably a good time to bring it up
i once doxxed a tranny using twitter, i was playing a game of ttt with them on or and they were being really annoying to me, so i went through their twitter, obsessively grabbing images of their cat to comb for left over location data and scrolled all the way to the bottom and i found the nigga's email. His name was "Kaleb" so I said to him "Okay Kaleb" and he had a massive fucking melt down asking me shit like "Oh okay, yeah, you know how to use Google, huh?" and "I'm telling the admins." I ignored him the entire time just to fuck with him and scare him about how I knew his real full name and had his academic email shit was hilarious.
>implying every adult has to be a gooner-brained NSFWfag instead of having healthy interpersonal relationships with their like-minded peers
soggycacas.... not like this
Actually knowing his background now makes it make more sense, so yes, soggycacas like this.
>implying every adult has to be a gooner-brained NSFWfag instead of having healthy interpersonal relationships with their like-minded peers
soggycacas.... not like this
Actually knowing his background now makes it make more sense, so yes, soggycacas like this.
I genuinely hold no ill will against Steve, I just thought saying that stuff made me cool or whatever, but those days are behind me.
Trying to dox and datamine people like theres always some boogeyman to fight is just childish behaviour.